
Oakville Elementary School

Picture for vendor Oakville Elementary School


Oakville Elementary School is a small community school of 268 students located in the central portion of St. Mary’s County. The majority of our students come to school ready for their day and ready to learn. During the 2017-2018 school year student attendance was 94.6%. Demographics for the 2017-2018 school year identify a minority population of 21%, a FARMS population of 30%, and a special education population of 10%. Cultural differences and differences in behavioral expectations are present amongst our children from varying socio-economic backgrounds. We maintain around an 11.4% mobility rate. Many of our children have attended Oakville since they began school. Because of this, we have been able to develop a true sense of community and a strong knowledge of our students and their families.

Student academic progress is closely monitored by analyzing a variety of data, beginning with classroom, county and state level assessments. Instructional remediation and enrichment programs are determined and implemented based on this data. Highlights from the 2017-2018 school year include significant growth on the PARCC assessments in both language arts and math. In language arts our students met their annual targets with 83.5% of our intermediate students scoring a 3, 4, or 5 on the PARCC assessment. In Mathematics, 81% of our intermediate students scored a 3, 4, or 5 on the PARCC assessment with grades 4 and 5 meeting their target goals. Fourth grade Math was identified as first in the county with 73% of our students scoring a 4 or 5. The county average was 46% and the state 39%.

During the 2017-2018 school year, Oakville Elementary was recognized for our excellent knowledge of character education and received the Maryland Center for Character Education at Stevenson University "2017-2018 School of the Year" award for the third consecutive year. Building on this strength, Oakville Elementary will continue to implement and further develop the Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) as a school-wide initiative. As a staff, we have committed to overall school-wide behavior expectations. Our school rules fall under the umbrella of “PAWS”: Positive Attitude, Act Responsibly, Work Hard, and Safety First. These expectations were developed collaboratively by the staff to be specific to the various school settings providing consistency throughout the building and from year to year. Oakville was also designated as a Sustainable Green School recognizing a lifetime recognition for its environmental efforts.

The Oakville staff, parents and community work collaboratively to provide a warm, nurturing environment for our children. As a community, we share a sense of pride in our school and a common mission to create the best educational experience possible for our students. Our vision for Oakville Elementary is “One community committed to learning and safety for all children”.

About Oakville PTA:

The PTA, the Parent Teacher Association, is excited to begin the new year!. The PTA's purpose is to support the faculty, staff, parents and most importantly our students. The goal is to work together to provide family-friendly events for the students and families of Oakville and raise funds to support our school. In order to be successful, Oakville needs the support and involvement of our families and communities. 

To know more about the PTA, please check the below link:
