About Glen Avenue Elementary School
Glen Avenue Elementary is proud to serve students in grades 2-5 in Wicomico County. Our students are our continual source of pride!
We strive daily for our students to be: PROUD and KIND
Glen Avenue is a Title 1 school serving 425 students. We believe that education should be informative AND fun in order to create lifelong learners. It's our goal to offer both. Additionally, we recognize that students need the basics to succeed. Glen is fortunate to be able to offer FREE BREAKFAST to all students in the school. If you believe your child is eligible for free lunch, please ask the school for a free and reduced lunch application or go to wcboe.org and click on "free meals application."
Our hard-working, caring, and supportive staff work collaboratively to create a positive and engaging learning environment for all of students. Our teachers utilize best practices to ensure students are receiving quality instruction which results in success for every child, every day.
This year, we have implemented a house system to help build a sense of belonging among our students. Students and staff belong to one of four houses: Kayiman, Koena, Timsah, or Jacare. Houses earn points for doing what is right behaviorally and academically. Special events and school spirit events will also earn points for the houses. This friendly competition is designed to encourage peers to help their team (aka housemates) contribute positively to our school. We are four houses, but we are united as one UMOJA!
Mission Statement: Glen Avenue School creates a caring school community that provides students with the necessary skills and knowledge to be thoughtful, responsible, and highly productive citizens as well as lifelong learners