
Eastern Elementary School

Picture for vendor Eastern Elementary School
Welcome to Eastern Elementary School.  

Eastern Elementary first opened its doors in 1993 when the school was known as Eastern Paramount. Since that time the staff have endeavored to make the school a place where children can explore the world they inhabit in fun and safety.

Eastern Elementary educates students from 3rd to 5th grades.  Our sister school across the street, Ruth Anne Monroe, is a primary school that educates students from pre-K to 2nd grade.  We look forward to the 2019-2020 school year which marks the twenty-seventh year we have been instructing students!

School Vision:

Engage a collaborative learning environment by incorporating 21st Century Skills while communicating compassion and civility.
Mission Statement:
To soar as a learning community, preparing all students for college and career readiness.
To know about the PTA, please check the below link: