Our Vision
Every child's potential is a reality.
Our Mission
To make every child's potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.
Our Values
Buffalo Trail Elementary School PTA:
The weather is finally matching the time of year and will hopefully lend itself to some gorgeous snow scenes, as well as sledding and fort building. As the temperatures drop and the snow begins to fall your PTA is working hard on a variety of activities and programs for your family. From an extensive list of After School Program classes being offered to an opportunity to make memories with your son or daughter on a date night, we’re excited for what the second half of this school year will bring.
I’d like to answer the infamous Bison family question: How can my family help at BTES? There are many opportunities including filling a one-hour slot at a PTA event, becoming a Watch DOG, helping in the cafeteria or volunteering in the library. We were so encouraged that all of our fall calls for volunteers were immediately answered after posting. Thank you to all who raised a hoof! We’re looking forward to the continued support from all our Bison parents. Many volunteer opportunities at BTES can be found on our webpage (www.buffalotrailpta.org).
Many families also wonder how they would best be able to help with our PTA. The first way to show support is by joining your PTA. We currently are at 50% active family membership or about half of the Bison family community. Just think what your PTA could do with 100% membership? Joining is easy and can be done by visiting www.buffalotrailpta.org. Membership doesn’t require volunteering, but your $20 contribution supports our programs and events, as well as student and staff resources. Next, if you have 1-3 hours a month, consider volunteering at an event and attend monthly membership meetings to stay informed. Lastly, if you have five or more hours a month, please consider joining an event committee and/or ask for small one-time opportunities.
To know more about the PTA, please check the below link: