
Barack Obama Elementary School

Picture for vendor Barack Obama Elementary School

About Barack Obama Elementary School


The goal of Barack Obama Elementary School is to strengthen the development of basic and higher level skills to the greatest potential for each student. Students are motivated and encouraged to develop a sense of self worth, respect and responsibility. Parents and community will join us as active partners in creating a positive environment and providing innovative experiences.


We believe that Barack Obama Elementary School is a school where each child is recognized and accepted for his/her own dignity. We further believe that the academic and enrichment programs must be based on the needs and interests of the students we serve. Students must acquire essential skills in reading, writing,mathematics, and computer literacy to be prepared to live as productive citizens in a highly technological world. The learning environment must challenge students to achieve/excel.

Please click the below link to know about the PTSA:


President- Allyson Prilook 

email- boesrvapta@gmail.com