The staff of Arcola Elementary will provide a safe, caring and supportive learning community, which fosters individual growth, embraces diversity, and inspires successful lifelong learners. We believe, “today’s dreamers are tomorrow’s achievers."
Arcola's Mission
Working as a partnership, the Arcola students, staff, families, and community will ensure a safe, caring, and supportive learning environment. Our mission is to provide a strong foundation in academics and the arts. We will inspire a love of learning and provide the opportunity for each child to become an independent thinker and problem solver. Our commitment to differentiate instruction will allow us to address individual learning styles. We will teach and model respect for self and others. We will embrace diversity and recognize all children as our highest priority. We believe that learning is a lifelong journey that is joyful, meaningful, and prepares all students to become responsible and productive citizens of our world.
The Philosophy of the Staff at Arcola Elementary School
We believe that all children can learn and become productive, caring citizens. We commit ourselves to providing an educational environment that inspires students to realize their full potential and develop a life-long love of learning. We are dedicated to the development of the whole child. The teachers and staff will encourage a partnership between home and school that will promote the strong values of respect, fairness, citizenship, trustworthiness, caring, and responsibility.
About Arcola Elementary School's PTA:
Welcome to the PTA at Arcola Elementary School. We believe that nothing is more important than giving a child the best education available. As advocates for our children and believers in proactive parental involvement in our public schools, we work with the teachers, staff, and administration of our school on a weekly basis to strive to make Arcola the best neighborhood school in can be, but we can't do it alone, we need YOUR help.
The PTA raises funds to provide a wide range of enrichment programs for the students. Money raised through PTA memberships help fund class trips, math and science assemblies, support the fifth grade graduating class ,provides thousands of dollars to support educational enrichment and after-school programs, and much, much more. We ask for your support so that we can make resource and learning opportunities available to our children. For the PTA to be effective and truly representative of the school, everyone’s participation is essential. Many parents feel that they do not have time to attend meetings or be on campus during the day. Nevertheless, we want everyone to feel that they are part of the Arcola school community.
To know more about the PTA, please check the below link:;